Dr. Dina Strachan
A “free-range” native New Yorker and internationally-recognized, Harvard and Yale educated board certified dermatologist Dr. Dina Strachan (Dr. Dina) brings value that’s more than “skin deep” as a clinician, media-personality, speaker, author and consultant. Cosmopolitan and inspiring Dr. Dina is highly sought after to serve, educate and entertain diverse audiences across a variety of industries.
Board- Certified Dermatologist
Facets of a Dermatologist
Cosmopolitan and inspiring, Dr. Dina is highly sought after to serve, educate and entertain diverse audiences across a variety of industries.


Media Personality

“Dr. Dina is an excellent public speaker and effective communicator. She graciously served on a panel of esteemed alumni who have blazed a trail in their respective industries. Dr. Dina was able to connect with a diverse audience of young professionals and more senior alumni alike. She provided thoughtful introspection on her own experiences as a dermatologist and entrepreneur. She also engaged in a discussion of forward thinking solutions.”
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Sun protection for sunscreen bosses
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Things to think about when setting up a telemedicine service
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